If you would prefer to make a booking over the phone, or have any questions about your booking, please call our friendly receptionists, who will be glad to assist.

Telephone: 03 9318 4322

Referrals and fees

Private patients

You do not need a referral from your GP to see a podiatrist as a private patient. We have HICAPS facilities to claim directly from your insurer. Depending on your level of cover, you may need to pay a small gap payment. Refer to the table below for more details of costs.

Medicare referrals

As of July 2024 we no longer offer bulk billed appointments. If you have a Medicare referral under the Chronic Disease Management Programme/Enhanced Primary Care (sometimes called EPC), you will need to pay upfrong and medicare will refung part of the cost of your appointment or procedure. Refer to the table below for more details of costs.

NDIS Patients

We happily accept NDIS referrals. If you have plan-managed funding we will invoice your plan manager directly. If you are a self-managed recipient you will need to pay at our reception and claim reimbursement. Refer to the table below for more details of costs.

Table of costs

Appointment typeWeekday FeeSaturday* FeeOut of pocket (after rebates/refunds)
Private patient initial consultatuion (30-40 min)$105$110(depends on level of insurance cover)
Private patient standard (follow-on) consultation (30 min)$85$90(depends on level of insurance cover)
Medicare consultation$85$90$24.65
Medicare consultation with concession$70.35$90$10.00**
* Limited appoitments available between 9am and 3pm only on the first Saturday of most months
** $34.65 on Saturdays