If you would prefer to make a booking over the phone, or have any questions about your booking, please call our friendly receptionists, who will be glad to assist.
Telephone: 03 9318 4322
Referrals and fees
Private patients
You do not need a referral from your GP to see a podiatrist as a private patient. We have HICAPS facilities to claim directly from your insurer. Depending on your level of cover, you may need to pay a small gap payment.
Medicare referrals
If you have a Medicare referral under the Chronic Disease Management Programme/Enhanced Primary Care (sometimes called EPC) you will be bulk billed with no out of pocket expense.
NDIS Patients
We happily accept NDIS referrals. If you have plan-managed funding we will invoice your plan manager directly. If you are a self-managed recipient you will need to pay at our reception and claim reimbursement.